Intensive Family Support Services (IFSS) is a county-wide program, administered by the Mental Health Association in Atlantic County for families and friends of people living with a mental health disorder. Throughout NJ, many families take an active role in care for a relative or friend who has a mental health disorder. This can be an especially difficult and challenging task resulting in feeling of frustration, embarrassment, anger, fear, hopelessness and grief. IFSS provides tangible coping skills to address these challenges.
IFSS services are open to all Atlantic County families with a relative or friend with a mental health disorder; the family member does not have to be in treatment for the family to receive services. IFSS was designed with extensive input and assistance from families caring for relatives with a long history of serious mental health challenges.
When your loved one is diagnosed with a serious mental health disorder such as schizophrenia, major depression or bi-polar disorder, finding appropriate medical and psychiatric care is your first priority. But once treatment begins, you and your family member soon discover that the illness affects many aspects of life and you need more than medical help. We can provide you with the knowledge, skills and support necessary to improve your family’s overall well-being.
The goal of Intensive Family Support Services (IFSS) is to improve the quality of life of people caring for an adult with a mental health disorder. The program strives to improve caregivers’ overall functioning by offering individualized information, education and therapeutic support. Through IFSS, families learn to be supportive in ways that promote wellness, recovery and independence.
IFSS is a comprehensive program of supportive services and activities designed to assist families and friends who provide support to a loved one living with a mental health disorder. Services available:
Bi-Monthly Support Groups: Families/friends of those living with a mental health disorder meet together with a mental health professional for mutual support and information exchange.
Individual Family Consultation: Family members meet with a mental health professional to develop strategies for coping more effectively with problems resulting from their relative's illness.
Respite Care: Families are offered opportunities to have a break from the responsibilities of care taking.
Psycho-Educational Series: Informational programs provide up-to-date information about mental health disorders and treatment options and also teach skills that enable caregivers to better manage their loved one's illness and improve the functioning of the family.
Advocacy: Family members learn effective ways to obtain and maximize available resources.
Referral & Linkage: IFSS staff assist families in locating additional relevant programs and services.
Transportation: IFSS staff provide transportation to Ancora to visit a loved one, to other provider agencies for family meetings or to public entitlements providers to assist in securing benefits.
For more information and to begin participation contact Gail Christian IFSS, Coordinator, 609-652-3800 ext. 0301
Join Our Family Support Groups! The Intensive Family Support Service Program is currently providing the following In person group monthly. The group is held at the MHA Galloway office at 4 East Jimmie Leeds Road Suite 8. The group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Additionally you can attend the following groups offered virtually each month. Daytime groups are held on the second and fourth Thursday 10am-12pm. *Changed 1/30/23 Click here to join meeting Meeting ID: 840 9440 3617 Passcode: 188143 Evening groups are held the third Thursday 7pm-8pm. *Changed 1/30/23 Click Here to join meeting Meeting ID: 871 5646 7403 Passcode: 802729 IFSS staff also participate in NAMI's monthly meeting on the second Monday 7pm-830pm. For more info
The ACF Program assists families when their family member is in crisis and in need of treatment from the behavioral health acute care system. Our staff engage families who are often navigating the mental health system for the first time. Staff educate families about mental health disorders and offer resources and referrals that can help their loved one.
Any family member in need of help can ask the screening center to staff to connect them to our Acute Care Family Program for help and support. While listening empathetically, our staff can provide families validation, encouragement and understanding during a challenging time with their loved one who may not see themselves as ill.
Acute Care staff are available on site at the Atlantic County Screening Center, also known as PIP, set hours weekdays and weekends. When staff are not on site, family members can phone the On-Call Acute Line at 609 517-8614. Hours are 8 am to 8 pm daily, including weekends. After 8pm, leave a message and staff will return the call the next morning. Help is just a phone call away. For more information, email or call 609-652-3800 ext. 0301